We process all orders within 7-10 business days (not including weekends or holidays). We will notify you once your order has shipped. If you have not received a shipping notification within that time-frame please email info@plumpeez.com and we'll take a look!
You will receive an email order confirmation upon placing your order and a shipping notification including a tracking number once we've shipped it. You can use the tracking number to check its status. Tracking information typically takes 48 hours to be available
If you haven’t received your order within 2 days of receiving your shipping confirmation email, please contact us at info@plumpeez.com with your order confirmation and we'll get back to you with an update.
Free in-store is available at 106 East C Street Butner, NC 27509. When placing your order, simply select local pickup as your shipping option. We will email you when your order is ready to be picked up, within 7-10 business days.
Our store is open Monday-Friday from 10:00am-7:00pm and Saturday from 11:00am-6:00pm. Please bring your order confirmation with you when you come to pick it up.